Introducing Our New Hackers In Residence

The OSIRIS Lab is very happy to welcome two new Hackers in Residence this fall! Nick Gregory, whose contributions as a lab member the past several years have been invaluable, and Alexei Bulazel, whose lectures have been incredibly insightful and forced us to learn. We look forward to working with you both!

Nick is a research scientist at Capsule8 developing bug hunting tools and techniques to detect software exploitation as it happens. He has been involved in the OSIRIS Lab since 2015, serving as the lab’s Vice President from 2016-2018 and co-leading CSAW CTF for 2 years.

Alexei Bulazel (Twitter: @0xAlexei) is a security researcher interested in low-level offensive security topics including reverse engineering, vulnerability research, exploitation, and program Analysis.

Alexei has presented his research at a variety of international conferences such as REcon, INFILTRATE, DEFCON, and Black Hat, among many others. He has published scholarly work at the USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT) and the Reversing and Offensive-Oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTS). Alexei is frequently engaged as an expert in cyber policy issues, and recently co-authored an article in Lawfare on the threat of supply chain insecurity in 5G networks.

An active participant in the research community, Alexei has served on conference and journal review boards, run professional security trainings, and presented guest lectures at universities. Alexei earned his MS and BS at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), and is a proud alumnus of RPISEC. At RPI he co-taught the RPISEC Modern Binary Exploitation Course.